list of classical problems

10573    Problem Offensive Strategy OFFSTRAT 69 24.47
1697    Ohgas' Fortune OFORTUNE 706 64.40
23737    Ogledala OGLEDALA 21 38.04
21395    Ohani And Binary Search Tree OHANIBTR 127 36.31
25214    Ohani And The Game OHANIGAME 77 19.89
21394    Ohani And The Series OHANISER 598 42.05
2275    Toil for Oil OIL 13 30.72
3007    Oil Company OILCOMP 178 25.08
8820    Okret OKRET 40 19.32
7742    Onotole needs your help OLOLO 10086 41.04
27308    One more weird game OMWG 395 55.01
10931    Online Bridge Searching ONBRIDGE 92 35.22
2023    One Instruction Computer Simulator ONEINSTR 41 11.22
13588    One X LIS ONEXLIS 63 20.83
370    Ones and zeros ONEZERO 4462 30.03
36134    Ono at the river 1 ONORIVER1 16 19.69
4    Transform the Expression ONP 43248 49.24
7404    Just on Time ONTIME 11 25.00
17309    Operation Bits OPBIT 412 57.86
12151    Pizzamania OPCPIZZA 2143 28.35
12277    The Trip OPCTRIP 107 30.02
34229    "Operation - Modulo" OPMODULO 797 18.81
4010    Chặt cây OPTCUT 8 39.13
839    Optimal Marks OPTM 822 24.44
1453    Optimal Connected Subset OPTSUB 148 45.94
227    Ordering the Soldiers ORDERS 1456 33.18
3273    Order statistic set ORDERSET 3144 26.00
27234    Sums of 2 and 3 ORDSUM23 960 35.75
16410    Organizator ORGNZ 75 34.80
1267    Origin of Life ORIGLIFE 35 22.18
3426    Ouroboros Snake OROSNAKE 81 52.59
1810    Nuclear Plants ORZ 21 13.83
7934    Operating System Problems (Task Scheduling) OSPROB1 138 56.50
4155    OTOCI OTOCI 469 44.94
10465    One Theorem, One Year OTOY1 45 42.08
16035    Fone Frequencies OU7 28 44.16
23930    Overlapping Words OVERLAP 27 25.76
34682    Good Elements OVGDEL 140 29.05
34863    A Cumulative Sum Problem OVICUMSUM 29 21.53
34864    Large Sum OVISLARSUM 205 17.64
13303    Tic-tac-toe 3 OVOXO 12 25.86
4839    Ant PA06ANT 190 39.06
8930    Party! PAAAARTY 61 18.55
11963    Packing Rectangles PACKRECT 34 54.17
3587    Prime Again PAGAIN 845 16.32
2963    Painting Blocks (Act II) PAINTBLC 55 20.19
2962    Painting Blocks (Act I) PAINTBLK 107 58.24
174    Paint templates PAINTTMP 59 41.61
9504    Paint on a Wall PAINTWAL 23 40.59
26561    Pair Divisible 2 PAIRDIV2 15 8.33
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