list of classical problems

17002    Psycho Function PSYCHO2 73 36.99
17143    Make Psycho PSYCHO3 224 24.94
16030    Psycho PSYCHON 831 20.55
19795    Psycho34 (easy) PSYCHOT 55 22.27
1477    Play with a Tree PT07A 88 14.68
1478    The Easiest Problem PT07B 68 8.92
1479    The GbAaY Kingdom PT07C 125 19.23
1480    Let us count 1 2 3 PT07D 72 14.70
1482    A short vacation in Disneyland PT07F 225 14.62
1483    Colorful Lights Party PT07G 13 10.84
1484    Search in XML PT07H 12 2.45
1487    Query on a tree III PT07J 548 17.57
1435    Vertex Cover PT07X 4058 34.11
1436    Is it a tree PT07Y 20612 35.22
1437    Longest path in a tree PT07Z 19471 39.12
22784    Pythagorean Triple Counting PTC 31 54.49
11736    Prime Time PTIME 2156 48.48
15165    primes triangle (II) PTR2 18 31.16
16179    Platinum Relic! PTRELIC 68 22.62
15164    primes triangle (I) PTRI 67 7.26
9255    Publication PUBLICAT 38 61.63
15215    David and his Obsession PUCMM009 426 41.32
10186    Divisor Digits PUCMM025 1282 30.89
11560    A Summatory PUCMM210 1624 25.92
11564    E 23 Stairs pattern PUCMM215 137 39.39
11909    C You and Me PUCMM223 90 45.69
13114    SQL Queries PUCMM331 11 45.16
13116    Dividing Xorland PUCMM333 27 45.45
13117    White Hats PUCMM334 614 37.51
13118    The Rook and The Rookette PUCMM335 30 25.00
20931    Square-Free Product (Hard) PUCMMT02 58 35.98
2662    Put a Point in a Hyperspace PUTIN 17 11.06
17128    Putnik PUTNIK 94 48.99
2132    Puzzle PUZZLE2 85 32.11
9511    24-Puzzle PUZZLE24 23 23.14
9967    Playing with Words PWORDS 37 32.99
26368    Power and Mod PWRANDMOD 251 18.99
6893    Power Sums PWSUM 104 56.91
6288    Treeramids PYRA 1089 51.84
9137    Pyramid Sums PYRSUM 92 34.78
9138    Pyramid Sums 2 PYRSUM2 106 33.85
14542    Pythagorean triples (medium) PYTRIP2 131 18.41
19913    Counting Pythagorean Triples PYTRIP3 16 14.23
9694    Quelling Blade QB 5 33.33
37388    Balls and Queries QBALL 53 42.11
6041    Mountain Walking QCJ1 475 42.56
6042    Another Box Problem QCJ2 833 49.88
6043    The Game QCJ3 937 39.49
6044    Minimum Diameter Circle QCJ4 437 27.45
1706    Queens, Knights and Pawns QKP 842 33.13
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