list of classical problems

7258    Lexicographical Substring Search SUBLEX 2104 21.81
14956    Submerging Islands SUBMERGE 4507 39.71
25180    Gyanbabas Admission Test SUBPAL 67 19.37
665    String it out SUBS 1216 38.76
2150    Counting Subsequences SUBSEQ 1025 29.52
11469    Balanced Cow Subsets SUBSET 369 24.06
12357    Subset and upset (HARD) SUBSHARD 127 42.07
14929    Subsequence SUBSN 173 12.74
705    New Distinct Substrings SUBST1 3727 26.36
34973    Yet Another Subset Sum Problem SUBSUMP 4 3.67
3749    Subset Sums SUBSUMS 4060 26.35
4003    Subway planning SUBWAYPL 40 18.08
18167    SubXor SUBXOR 1732 30.44
6898    Substring Problem SUB_PROB 825 15.15
13980    Sudoku goblin SUDOGOB 73 41.09
1110    Sudoku SUDOKU 463 38.67
1833    Sudoku SUDOKU2 49 32.22
21360    Suffix Equal Prefix SUFEQPRE 515 28.85
23530    Suffixes SUFFIX 19 25.64
176    Sum of one-sequence SUM1SEQ 666 33.66
26132    Sum the Decimal-part II SUMDEC2 50 38.24
1296    4 values whose sum is 0 SUMFOUR 5067 24.87
237    Sums in a Triangle SUMITR 3576 42.40
32192    SUMMATION SUMMATION 471 21.57
15864    SUMMING SUMMING 8 9.90
6286    Sum of products SUMMUL 365 36.40
18932    Sum of primes (reverse mode) SUMPRIM2 21 17.44
22455    SUM OF PRODUCT SUMPRO 1048 17.65
6986    Summing Slopes SUMSLOPE 60 35.21
15766    Enjoy Sum with Operations SUMSUM 361 27.34
2742    Summing Sums SUMSUMS 911 19.01
57    Supernumbers in a permutation SUPPER 1065 32.59
36896    Supraiden SUPRAID 0 0.00
10841    Supplying the Suppliers SUPSUP 11 34.68
13989    Helping Susy SUSY 31 28.92
3363    Svada SVADA 489 28.83
25309    Save Area 11 SVAREA11 123 30.16
34376    Difference One Swaps SWAPDIFF1 72 48.26
861    Counting inversions SWAPS 462 20.04
15248    Swap (Easy - Level 2) SWAP_ESY 15 30.67
15250    Swap (Hard - Level 1000) SWAP_HRD 6 29.11
15249    Swap (Medium - Level 200) SWAP_MED 6 23.60
9448    Swarm of Polygons SWARM 36 35.59
21962    GREAT SWERC SWERC14A 20 57.50
21963    Flowery Trails SWERC14B 42 41.79
21964    Golf Bot SWERC14C 82 35.81
21965    Book Club SWERC14D 27 33.71
21966    Ricochet Robots SWERC14E 17 52.17
21967    City Park SWERC14F 18 37.50
21968    Playing with Geometry SWERC14G 15 61.54
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