list of classical problems

25475    Perfect packing TAP2015E 9 53.05
25476    Induced favoritism TAP2015F 40 28.87
25477    Generating alien DNA II TAP2015G 34 18.88
25478    Hugo s homework TAP2015H 411 48.75
25480    Invading aliens TAP2015I 15 17.91
25481    Game of stones II TAP2015J 37 21.08
25482    Kimetto Kipsang and Kipchoge TAP2015K 40 20.29
28456    Finding the way TAP2016B 16 8.06
28457    Correlations TAP2016C 92 29.53
28458    Drawing triangles TAP2016D 25 9.98
28459    Grumpy uncle TAP2016E 35 37.41
28460    Congratulations, Fidel! TAP2016F 38 13.82
28461    Efficient managing TAP2016G 46 27.86
28462    New TAP TAP2016H 37 32.68
28463    Insect invasion TAP2016I 16 7.99
28464    Joining lines TAP2016J 57 23.26
28465    Koalas TAP2016K 13 12.08
28466    Leonardo de Pisa TAP2016L 45 14.91
147    Tautology TAUT 729 38.47
377    Taxi TAXI 1236 28.42
26663    Theater shade in Berland TAXI2 25 11.78
17125    Thor vs Frost Giants TBATTLE 186 28.44
6831    Two Ball Game TBGAME 64 28.05
449    Simple Numbers with Fractions Conversion TCNUMFL 34 17.11
1730    Counting Triangles II TCOUNT2 401 20.79
1731    Counting Triangles III TCOUNT3 263 33.76
405    Tin Cutter TCUTTER 134 33.72
6470    Finding the Kth Prime TDKPRIME 7454 27.26
11407    Tied Down TDOWN 19 38.33
6471    Printing some primes TDPRIMES 7200 28.63
11573    A Famous ICPC Team TEAM2 2033 37.63
11273    Team Nim TEAMNIM 82 20.48
36886    Absurdistans Teaparties TEAPARTY 13 31.08
7666    Telecommunications TELECOM 22 24.75
757    Thermal Luminescence TEM 123 39.03
10270    Temperature TEMPERAT 205 32.39
21854    TEMPLE_RUN TEMPLE01 30 30.83
8406    Temple Queues TEMPLEQ 290 19.45
4179    Temptation Island TEMPTISL 649 44.88
26194    The wit of Tenali Raman TENALI 9 18.97
8845    Entertainment TENNIS 48 37.43
7168    Termites strike back TERMITES 9 31.58
17113    Finding the Tesserect TESSER 907 37.22
1    Life, the Universe, and Everything TEST 216573 33.05
16    Sphere in a tetrahedron TETRA 3504 56.11
9334    Point in tetrahedron TETRAHED 139 57.37
10802    Sum of Tetranacci numbers TETRAHRD 270 38.85
5317    Tetravex Puzzle TETRAVEX 279 46.06
5155    Exciting Time TETRIS2D 40 13.06
1741    Tetris 3D TETRIS3D 168 32.65
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