list of classical problems

15074    Tourney TOURNEY 145 36.35
387    Travelling tours TOURS 305 53.93
2162    Towers of Powers TOWER 28 19.72
16178     Change TPC07 59 10.13
21085    Palindrome Merge TPCPALIN 27 27.36
21068    Popular TPCPPLAR 45 24.53
479    Permutation generator TPERML 126 27.48
32086    The Permutation Game Again TPGA 156 43.51
12855    Teleport TPORT 4 14.63
9691    Triangles and Quadrangle TQ 14 12.32
5157    Game Simulator TRACTOR 17 4.57
3643    Traffic Network TRAFFICN 2098 18.27
36712    Trailing digits TRAILDIG 62 12.50
11540    Training TRAIN07 19 43.14
13683    Transitive Closure TRANCLS 245 36.88
399    Team Rankings TRANK 385 53.26
136    Transformation TRANS 78 35.55
10210    After Party Transfers TRANSFER 36 4.79
9532    Transportation TRANSJ 17 24.05
401    Translations TRANSL 131 38.11
898    Transmitters TRANSMIT 300 49.18
419    Transposing is Fun TRANSP 285 36.75
2903    Transportation TRANSP1 11 46.43
422    Transposing is Even More Fun TRANSP2 289 25.92
10732    Trapezoid TRAPEZBO 50 33.23
8598    Traverse through the board TRAVERSE 647 54.31
1678    Royal Treasury TREASURY 70 11.71
11905    Tree Count TRECOUNT 40 43.07
738    Another Counting Problem TREE 225 40.41
71    Tree TREE1 450 28.46
88    Which is Next TREE2 129 20.64
16063    Hackers TREEBA 59 21.54
3197    Tree Construction TREECST 62 19.80
32103    Degree of a Tree TREEDEGREE 217 29.66
2322    Tree Game TREEGAME 323 43.34
12808    Yet-Yet Another Counting Problem TREEII 40 66.67
7826    Tree Isomorphism TREEISO 534 22.71
9190    Perfect Maze TREEMAZE 31 1.73
24032    The art of tree numbers TREENUM2 144 30.49
1644    Trees TREEOI14 35 14.64
18532    Tree _order TREEORD 1197 46.96
17755    Tree and Palindrome TREEPAL 148 20.86
3581    Tree Similarity TREESIM 25 48.63
7363    Tree Sum TREESUM 156 34.50
26108    Trending GCD TRENDGCD 129 35.78
35283    Full Sleigh TRENOLOT 18 28.77
3833    Tresnja TRES 126 52.36
3725    Taming a T-REX TREX 145 44.58
3733    Trezor TREZOR 100 52.41
34282    Traffic Planning TRFPLN 14 34.04
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