list of partial problems

6604    Trò chơi VNINGAME 11 100.00
7021    Robot quét vôi NKROBOT 73 96.39
7326    The World Final Hosting WFHOST 0 0.00
9028    DIEULINH NTKM 178 60.48
9548    The Journey of the Ant ANTJOUR 3 100.00
9601    MMO85 MMO85 11 93.55
9740    Closest Pair Problem CPP 1027 83.50
16181    AlienGift AGIFT 0 0.00
20042    watching WTCH 19 92.06
32859    Letters TNVFC1L 18 100.00
32860    Miraculous TNVFC1M 178 92.02
32870    Olympic TNVFC2O 65 86.52
32871    Template TNVFC2S 29 96.34
34983    Cairo Tower CATOW 60 70.83
36393    Vector Introdution NBVECTOR 0 0.00
36394    Set introdution NBSET1 12 31.11
36395    Set Introdution 2 NBSET2 8 100.00
36396    Crush NBSET3 10 35.71
36400    Setabc NBSET4 0 0.00
36407    CHIA BANH K61TIN_001 0 0.00
40637    November Rain NOVRAIN 0 0.00
41069    Elijah and the mushroom forest MIKUMUSHROOM 13 82.50
41071    The gambit of Jesse JESSEGAMBIT 11 100.00
41087    Rajan and the talking pairs TALKPAIRS 249 89.29
41905    Interactive Tetris TETRISIN 0 0.00
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