list of tutorial problems

29749    Hidden Couple HCOUPLE 331 31.67
30409    Generalized Fibonacci GENFIB 101 13.20
30623    PRIME HEIGHT PRMHT 0 0.00
30753    Ada and Economy ADAMONEY 114 27.68
30784    Ada and Pear ADAPEAR 9 10.64
30831    Easy Stack STACKEZ 1592 23.65
30832    Easy Queue QUEUEEZ 1479 26.83
30840    Ada and Database ADABASET 17 39.39
30847    Traversing Tree TREEVERSE 116 21.16
30891    Sản xuất SANXUAT 0 0.00
30907    Easy Fibonacci FIBEZ 563 14.28
31066    Number Breaking BREAKING 756 30.62
31138    Just Sum SIMSUM 8 13.19
31182    Sub array Sum1 IITKESOA3P1 91 34.39
31183    Sub array Sum2 IITKESOA3P2 41 16.12
31283    Count The Players AGPC01C 49 25.87
31288    Too Late AGPC01B 55 8.62
31934    Last Digit of Power LSTDGT 76 20.04
31939    FFT and inverse FFT IITKESO207SPA1 136 23.76
32013    Red-Black Trees IITKESO207SPA2 177 85.85
32045    Coin Game IITKESO207SPA3A 168 91.39
32046    Knapsack Problem IITKESO207SPA3B 148 90.96
32047    Optimal BST IITKESO207SPA3C 132 92.27
32048    Largest bunch of zeros IITKESO207SPA3D 157 93.35
32073    The Permutation Game TPGAME 29 67.65
32105    Maybe a Minimum Spanning Tree IITKESO207SPA3E 122 91.04
32106    Simple Dijkstras algorithm IITKESO207SPA3F1 130 92.41
32107    Simple Dijkstras algorithm again IITKESO207SPA3F2 124 95.72
32108    Lexicographic Permutations IITKESO207SPA4A 133 93.01
32109    Relaying the roads IITKESO207SPA4B 133 95.99
32260    Implement FFT and its inverse IITKESO207A_1P_1 223 23.21
32445    COUNT JUMPS KLUG1 89 41.07
32447    How many are placed at last positions LASTPOS 34 86.06
32470    Make Versions in Segment Tree PSEGTREE 375 44.70
32684    Calculator IITKESO207A_2P_1 0 0.00
32685    Calculator IITKESO207A_2P 226 94.00
33305    Single Source Shortest Path IITKESO207A_4P_1 197 20.08
33329    Finding Max MAXEZ 14 82.76
33792    String CAPL 20 7.34
33796    Print String PRINTIT3 45 25.68
33836    Floor Arithmetics FLARIT 8 44.12
34008    Base and Power BAPM 112 28.76
34010    Friendship FRNDAM 181 52.73
34137    Memory Game 1 IITKESO207PA3Q1 85 39.92
34138    Memory Game 2 IITKESO207PA3Q2 77 31.13
34139    Topological Sorting TOPOSORT2 101 57.45
34166    Print The Pattern ABACABA 101 19.88
34170    CHT Practice CHTPRAC 55 24.63
34182    Tower of Hanoi Movement - Easy TOHMOVE1 92 35.95
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