list of tutorial problems

2533    Point Nesting POINTS 32 20.09
2627    The Longest Chain BCH 82 60.26
2632    Max Power MXP 99 43.51
2854    El Dorado ELDORADO 750 50.14
2859    Help Conan 8 !! Hurry up !! CONANGSS 3 3.00
2907    Super Factor Sum FACTSUM 79 27.38
2912    Super Primes SPRIME 276 36.78
3032    Adding two numbers ADUN 6588 51.06
3081    Look and Say LOOKSAY 274 56.22
3131    Time to Graduate CURICULA 11 35.14
3250    The Seven Percent Solution SEVENPER 202 18.41
3252    Persistent Bits PERBITS 28 57.14
3256    Rock Skipping ROCKSKIP 13 35.14
3313    Software Bugs SOFTBUG 139 67.21
3318    Pascals Travels PASCALTR 41 34.04
3319    Speed Limit SPEEDLM 454 61.03
3320    Longest Monotonically Nondecreasing Sequence LMIS 183 34.06
3321    The Knapsack Problem KNAPSACK 9774 39.45
3370    Mergesort MERGSORT 1990 35.27
3371    Fast Power FASTPOW 557 31.14
3378    Mirrored Pairs MIRRORED 3971 41.80
3386    Contest System Quality Assurance Tester QUALITY 1771 39.60
3422    Calculate the Area CALCAREA 378 35.07
3440    Enormous Input and Output Test INOUTEST 1473 51.10
3443    Netiquette NETIQUE 14 40.48
3695    n-th Power LOGPOWER 162 51.57
3700    Easy Dijkstra Problem EZDIJKST 6037 34.46
3727    Lucky Number KLUCKY 776 65.87
3916    Bicolor BICOLOR 289 27.25
3917    Tree Query TREEQ 14 39.02
3997    HARDWARE HARDWARE 78 39.72
4001    JACKPOT JACKPOT 219 46.17
4073    The 3n plus 1 problem PROBTNPO 4114 35.18
4074    Compile Error CE 223 58.46
4138    Harry and big doughnuts DOUGHNUT 10523 54.93
4171    DIOPHANTINE DIOEQ 180 41.54
4190    A plus B APLUSB2 96 9.46
4192    Lucky cities MSE08D 17 32.88
4193    Quick answer MSE08F 4 16.00
4196    Internet Service Providers MSE08I 44 29.79
4205    Highway - MSE07F MSE07F 7 69.23
4207    Mobile (Again) MFMOBILE 13 61.29
4245    Place the Numbers I PLCNUM1 6 3.35
4301    Tables AE1B 6606 54.00
4304    Pawn AE3B 13 43.75
4422    A Dwarf - N Snow Whites ADWFNSNW 0 0.00
4474    Longest Palindromic Substring LPS 1262 21.73
4500    Helms Deep LOTR1 120 41.71
4522    Adding Base36 BigNumbers UCI2009A 55 34.33
4554    Relax! It is just a game ANARC08E 3871 48.45
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