list of tutorial problems

33792    String CAPL 20 7.34
33796    Print String PRINTIT3 45 25.68
33836    Floor Arithmetics FLARIT 8 44.12
34008    Base and Power BAPM 112 28.76
34010    Friendship FRNDAM 181 52.73
34095    Arithmetic Operations IITKESO207PA1 76 75.40
34097    Sequence IITKESO207PA1_2 0 0.00
34098    Queues IITKESO207PA1Q2 85 60.67
34099    IITKESO207PA1Q3 QUEUESEQ 81 50.62
34137    Memory Game 1 IITKESO207PA3Q1 85 39.92
34138    Memory Game 2 IITKESO207PA3Q2 77 31.13
34139    Topological Sorting TOPOSORT2 101 57.45
34166    Print The Pattern ABACABA 101 19.88
34170    CHT Practice CHTPRAC 55 24.63
34182    Tower of Hanoi Movement - Easy TOHMOVE1 92 35.95
34194    1+1 PSATEST 63 67.83
34195    Memory Game 3 IITKESO207PA4Q1 78 36.88
34213    Favourite Word IITKESO207PA4Q2 88 67.25
34264    Book Gift BOOKGFT 832 44.20
34277    Dynamic Network IITKESO207PA5Q1 83 68.42
34293    Flight IITKESO207PA5Q2 90 79.33
34295    Road Network IITKESO207PA5Q3 90 86.43
34318    Few to cover NOTINDY 5 6.09
34338    Strongly Connected Components IITKESO207PA6Q1 74 83.44
34350    Metro City IITKESO207PA6Q2 78 77.40
34351    Uncompress It! IITKESO207PA6Q3 71 76.85
34368    Trova il numero maggiore MAGGNUM 186 14.04
34372    Massimo Comune Divisore MCDLUS 4 50.00
34396    Do not print 0 CERI2018A 15 49.06
34397    A function table CERI2018B 14 47.27
34398    Congruent primes CERI2018C 6 37.84
34399    Largest prime factor CERI2018D 25 65.67
34400    A recurrence relation CERI2018E 31 64.40
34401    Encrypt a message CERI2018F 12 74.07
34402    Break a cryptosystem CERI2018G 9 81.25
34403    Somma i numeri dispari DELEVE 44 20.45
34404    Differenza tra massimo e minimo in una lista MXMNDF 98 45.30
34406    Conta gli oggetti vecchi COOLIT 66 46.21
34414    Polynomial evaluation CERI2018H 8 75.00
34415    Check factorization CERI2018I 8 71.43
34416    Euler Totient of factorized integer CERI2018J 8 48.57
34417    Sum of divisors CERI2018K 5 60.00
34418    Number of divisors of factorial CERI2018L 9 62.96
34425    Vertical strips pattern VSTRIPS 6 81.82
34426    Horizontal strips pattern HSTRIPS 0 0.00
34474    Möbius function MMFMOB 25 49.35
34479    Möbius function zero distribution MMFMOB2 15 41.82
34541    Tanushera And His Car SHTANU 66 22.02
34567    Least prime divisor MMFLPDIV 230 23.83
34580    Somma i numeri SUMLIS 96 34.67
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