list of tutorial problems

25755    Celebration CELEBRATION 24 30.77
25756    Divisors DIVSRS 34 20.31
25757    Ecstatic Super Mario ECSTATIC 20 53.66
25758    Find the Winner FINDWINNER 20 42.25
25778    Arabic Numbers ARABICNUM 26 48.00
25903    Bhadra Da and Counting "wow" BHADRADAWOW 43 56.88
25946    Defective Products MRKT 120 53.01
25963    Area and line GEO 126 36.50
25966    Base Is Damn Easy BEASY 18 36.51
25976    Community GSCOMM 7 27.78
25978    Sum to Zero GSTOZERO 24 43.37
25979    Busstop GSBUSTOP 6 87.50
26084    Search for an integer using sequential search PES16SEQ 17 31.33
26092    Search for a pattern in a text PES16STR 11 14.12
26113    GCD of non-negative integers PES16GCD 26 14.07
26131    Sum the Decimal-part I SUMDEC1 76 41.15
26142    Vampire and his Holy Numbers QKIRA 32 41.51
26173    Sort an array of integers using a O(n^2) algorithm PES16SO1 26 41.35
26217    Generate permutations by Johnson-Trotter Algorithm PES16JT 8 61.11
26218    Solution for a Travelling Salesperson Problem PES16TSP 9 62.50
26265    Sort an array of student records by names PES16SO2 8 28.57
26266    Sort an array of student records by reg numbers PES16SO3 7 38.10
26293    helloworld2 HWEC101 15 42.37
26316    PARESOI UTNP24 14 26.15
26317    PRIOSEG UTNP25 0 0.00
26495    More pairs are better BESTPAIR 21 57.01
26496    Recursive World!!! RECUR1 100 38.27
26500    MATAA RECP27 5 72.73
26556    Pair Divisible PAIRDIV 31 23.57
26586    Sum of the smallest K elements of an array KSMALSUM 216 26.66
26621    Atul and Aastha Chronicles 1 AAC1 480 38.12
26682    Binary Search Tree SDITSBST 546 21.77
26683    AVL Tree SDITSAVL 661 25.13
26687    Guess The Maximum MAXGUESS 111 42.18
26690    Almost Prime Numbers KPRIMES 194 40.26
26699    Ditto and String DITTOSTR 191 40.04
26717    Digit Holes DIGHOLES 64 35.94
26775    Compute The Computation CTCC 9 41.10
26776    Equation Equals Hazards EEH 7 44.44
26779    The Universe Loves Minimum Steps ! MINST 53 44.19
26781    Why Always Recursion ESYRCRTN 1065 44.50
26786    Bacteria in The Pond BCTRA 9 26.56
26803    Balloons for All BALLOONS 79 29.86
26804    Pyramids TPYRAMID 51 57.89
26806    A + B Problem LONGSUM 135 45.86
26807    Best Students BESTMARK 72 35.48
26844    Enough of GoT INS16G 1 3.03
26886    Print it All PRINTITALL 11 61.36
26911    Factorial base 12 FACTB12 64 37.04
26957    Chain Smoker CHNSMKR 91 30.06
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