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You will be given a 2-dimensional grid of letters. Find the length of the longest path of consecutive letters, starting at 'A'. Paths can step from one letter in the grid to any adjacent letter (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally).
For example, in the following grid, there are several paths from 'A' to 'D', but none from 'A' to 'E':

One such path is:
Each test case will start with a line contains two integers H, W the height and width of the grid respectively 1 <= H, W <= 50. Then H lines follow each of W uppercase letters only. Input terminates with H = 0 and W = 0.
For each test case print “Case C: X” without quotes where C is the case number starting with 1 and X is the solution.
Sample Input: 4 3 ABE CFG BDH ABC 0 0 Sample Output: Case 1: 4
Added by: | Ali Arous |
Date: | 2011-11-05 |
Time limit: | 1s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: ASM64 |
Resource: | FCIS Local Contest 2012 |
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2017-06-16 22:51:25
Simple DFS!! |
2017-06-10 20:54:21
Don't forget to reset the values for different test Costed me 7 WA.Nice Question. |
2017-05-23 23:26:13
Use Recursion with memo. Take care of Output statement. AC in 1 go. :) |
2017-05-15 12:32:14
use DFS+memo :D |
2017-05-09 13:29:36
Used DP, nothing new. |
2017-05-07 09:08:23
See Number of islands problem GeeksforGeeks Before this(If you are new in 2D Matrix Graph Traversals Like me :p |
2017-04-11 23:47:03 Nafis Islam
ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false) costed me a lot of wa. Dont know why sync_with_stdio creates string input problem Last edit: 2017-04-11 23:47:45 |
2017-03-16 18:41:15
AC after 10 WA's :( |
2017-03-08 11:02:27
dfs with memo works otherwise TLE! 2 TLE! |
2017-03-07 08:24:06
basics for DFS, AC in second go ;) |