PT07Z - Longest path in a tree

You are given an unweighted, undirected tree. Write a program to output the length of the longest path (from one node to another) in that tree. The length of a path in this case is number of edges we traverse from source to destination.


The first line of the input file contains one integer N --- number of nodes in the tree (0 < N <= 10000). Next N-1 lines contain N-1 edges of that tree --- Each line contains a pair (u, v) means there is an edge between node u and node v (1 <= u, v <= N).


Print the length of the longest path on one line.


1 2
2 3


Added by:Thanh-Vy Hua
Time limit:0.5s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ERL JS-RHINO NODEJS PERL6 VB.NET
Resource:Co-author Amber

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2015-09-17 17:00:47 :.Mohib.:
2015-09-16 15:54:02 [Mayank Pratap]
Good prob to increase confidence in tree.. :)
2015-09-08 05:36:36 Guilherme Sena
@Nitesh Tiwari : That is not a tree. (1,2,3,11) is a cycle since edges are undirected.
2015-08-31 12:08:54 Pratik
Very good problem with a simple solution
2015-08-22 14:25:59 ramjeet saran
not a binary tree, cost me 3 WA
2015-08-11 14:35:51 Khanh Ninh
Dynamic Program + DFS , Advanced Solution.
2015-08-04 20:54:44 mohit
DFS! diameter of a tree .
2015-07-30 22:00:44 sameer Hussain
is it a binary tree or any random tree ??
2015-07-25 23:25:25 Nitesh Tiwari
Answer for the below test case is 6, spojtoolkit is showing 5, I got it accepted with 6.
1 2
2 3
1 11
3 11
4 11
4 5
5 6
5 7
6 7
4 12
8 12
9 12
8 10
9 10
2015-07-22 11:03:16 Krzysztof Strojny
This can be done in in one loop over vertices, take advantage that this is a tree, no need for BFS or DFS
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