PT07Z - Longest path in a tree

You are given an unweighted, undirected tree. Write a program to output the length of the longest path (from one node to another) in that tree. The length of a path in this case is number of edges we traverse from source to destination.


The first line of the input file contains one integer N --- number of nodes in the tree (0 < N <= 10000). Next N-1 lines contain N-1 edges of that tree --- Each line contains a pair (u, v) means there is an edge between node u and node v (1 <= u, v <= N).


Print the length of the longest path on one line.


1 2
2 3


Added by:Thanh-Vy Hua
Time limit:0.5s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ERL JS-RHINO NODEJS PERL6 VB.NET
Resource:Co-author Amber

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2015-04-07 22:51:13 reggaeguitar
Although it doesn't imply that the test data is wrong, it does imply that it is incomplete
2014-08-20 08:57:07 Mitch Schwartz
@Raj Kamal: Getting AC with wrong code does not imply test data is wrong. (Let W = set of cases for which your code produces wrong answer, and let I = set of cases in the actual input. It could be that the intersection of I and W is empty.)

Getting WA with correct code does imply test data is wrong.

This is not a hard concept.
2014-08-19 22:23:29 Raj Kamal
The test cases are all wrong. As many have already mentioned, I also got AC for the cases mentioned by Pankaj Saini and others, when my solution was actually clearly wrong,

Just by changing the start node that I was using for my algo, I went from getting a WA to an AC

Last edit: 2014-08-19 22:25:15
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