list of challenge problems
< Previous | 1 | 2 | 3 | Next |
18901 | The Secret Recipe | CEBITO | 45 | 77.84 |
18931 | Sum of primes | SUMPRIM1 | 55 | 25.20 |
19205 | Modular Bernoulli | MODBERN | 6 | 67.21 |
19206 | Power Sum | PWSUMC | 39 | 52.92 |
19397 | Fibonacci Power Sum | PWSUMF | 17 | 56.02 |
19558 | PPrimes | PPRIME | 131 | 57.15 |
19972 | Counting triangles 2 | CT2 | 9 | 52.94 |
20651 | Reliability of Logic Circuits | ZRELY1 | 49 | 66.56 |
22217 | Help Santa Claus to Pack the Toys | XMAS2014 | 5 | 65.64 |
26321 | God Number is 20 (Rubik) | GODNIS20 | 25 | 65.86 |
27840 | Seedlings | SEE | 34 | 74.94 |
27841 | Sabotage | SAB | 30 | 56.33 |
30830 | 128bit-Fibonacci | FIB128 | 24 | 44.16 |
31362 | Matrix Multiplication 4K | MATRMUL | 5 | 36.36 |
31757 | Hamster | HAM | 15 | 62.24 |
31758 | Artisticity | ART | 3 | 68.97 |
34316 | Chess Variants Showdown | CHE | 1 | 70.25 |
34317 | Materializer | MATE | 10 | 42.78 |
41043 | Odwracanie kartek - Pages reading | MWPZ031 | 16 | 23.53 |
41045 | Obrazy i pokoje - Rooms and Pictures | MWPZ029 | 17 | 21.84 |
41047 | Wieża z wiader - Bucket tower | MWPZ034 | 21 | 16.28 |
41224 | Skarbonka | MPPZF | 21 | 26.51 |