list of challenge problems

13929    Matrix Exponentiation MATEX 84 50.59
14530    Quadratic primes GOV04 10 63.31
15036    Automatic Brainf##k Code Generator (Shortening AI) BFK_AUTO 92 51.86
15619    Optimal Swap Sort SWAPSORT 9 43.29
15673    Alice and Bob plays again CDGOLF1 14 67.01
16509    Divisors TJUC1 55 61.14
17257    Guess The Number With Lies v1 GUESSN1 31 47.29
17308    Guess The Number With Lies v2 GUESSN2 68 54.30
17598    Guess The Number With Lies v4 GUESSN4 13 63.16
17820    Guess The Number With Lies v5 GUESSN5 72 72.66
17867    Tone Transposition TONES 5 66.36
18073    Colour Brick Game BRICKGM 53 88.66
18837    Boring Factorials (Ultimate) BORING3 24 50.36
18901    The Secret Recipe CEBITO 45 77.84
18931    Sum of primes SUMPRIM1 55 25.20
19205    Modular Bernoulli MODBERN 6 67.21
19206    Power Sum PWSUMC 39 52.92
19397    Fibonacci Power Sum PWSUMF 17 56.02
19558    PPrimes PPRIME 131 57.15
19972    Counting triangles 2 CT2 9 52.94
20651    Reliability of Logic Circuits ZRELY1 49 66.56
22217    Help Santa Claus to Pack the Toys XMAS2014 5 65.64
22717    Kejriwal And Broom CDGLF1 302 56.77
22733    AAP Volunteers CDGLF2 10 63.64
22734    Mr Phoenix And OR Operation CDGLF3 6 52.17
22739    Majority Party CDGLF4 9 53.95
26321    God Number is 20 (Rubik) GODNIS20 25 65.86
26753    lcm addition ADDLCMS 6 28.00
26800    Lawnmower LAWN 49 66.11
26801    Hieroglyphs HIE 23 58.21
27840    Seedlings SEE 34 74.92
27841    Sabotage SAB 30 56.33
30830    128bit-Fibonacci FIB128 24 44.16
31362    Matrix Multiplication 4K MATRMUL 5 36.36
31757    Hamster HAM 15 62.24
31758    Artisticity ART 3 68.97
34316    Chess Variants Showdown CHE 1 70.25
34317    Materializer MATE 10 42.78
41043    Odwracanie kartek - Pages reading MWPZ031 15 22.39
41045    Obrazy i pokoje - Rooms and Pictures MWPZ029 16 20.93
41046    Kalibracja lasera - Laser calibration MWPZ033 14 50.00
41047    Wieża z wiader - Bucket tower MWPZ034 20 21.19
41224    Skarbonka MPPZF 19 24.69
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