list of challenge problems

2628    Markov Algorithm MAR 117 48.91
2629    Robo Eye EYES 39 78.03
2659    Carl CARL 70 39.22
2729    Discover DISCOVER 2 8.20
2732    Attack A Single Test File! SINGLEL 3 40.74
2824    Glenbow Museum SPOJTEST 3 33.33
3099    Super Quine SELF 84 19.38
3880    Nop NOP 607 49.87
3947    Brainf F##k Writing BFWRITE 1498 74.29
4163    Relative Board RELBOARD 6 38.10
4246    Place the Numbers II PLCNUM2 540 66.32
4760    Primes in Brainf##k HS09BF 139 66.30
5842    Polybius square POLYBIUS 1027 59.25
6125    Dos Date DDATE 791 55.83
6173    Burned Pancakes Tower DBP 23 64.61
6295    Area Difference SQDIFF 388 44.61
6338    Monster MONS 46 51.28
6646    Fully Parenthesized Expression BRACKETS 26 43.75
6877    Terminating or Non-Terminating DEC_BIN 34 43.41
7063    Cycles, More Cycles CYCLE 16 83.43
7105    Reverse the Input REVINPUT 546 34.57
7225    Word To Number WORDNUM 156 61.22
7480    Nth Prime NPRIME 618 45.60
7958    Prisoner of Benda (Challenge) BENDA 17 45.49
7965    The Electronic Dice DIE_PIP 52 54.03
8102    Christmas Tree XMAS 827 66.23
8315    Number to Word NUMWORD 227 42.39
8405    Printf Parser PRINTF 55 53.73
8473    PATHS WAYS 308 44.95
8579    BF_MODULUS MODULUS2 9 47.15
8638    Sum of Fibonacci numbers FIBSUM 135 72.81
8672    Distributing the balls BALLS 26 32.73
8675    Equation Check EQCHECK 264 57.38
8676    Digits of Phi (Golden Ratio) PHIVAL 293 53.64
8733    Summing up Last digits PLDGTS 31 72.01
8950    Grid points GRIDPNT 44 57.73
9380    Connecting three towns THREETWN 122 81.08
10295    HQNP Incomputable Hard HQNP2 61 76.46
11397    Find all independent nodes INDISET 23 89.23
11410    Find New SPOJ Problems FINDPROB 8 42.66
11445    EASY MATH (Challenge) EASYMATC 158 45.67
11451    Aritho-geometric Series (AGS) (Challenge) AGSCHALL 55 47.17
11462    Fun with Fibonacci Series (Challenge) FIBFUNCH 289 34.35
11689    Real Roots REALROOT 34 94.29
11719    The dojo s corridor M5TILE 71 64.41
11746    Sum the Series SUMUP 1865 58.89
11790    Size Contest!!!Reloaded!! JH1 347 38.70
11793    Cartesian Shortest Path CSPATH 54 43.98
11815    Tiling a WxH Grid With Dominoes MNTILE 41 54.16
11849    A Very Easy Problem! (Challenge Mode) EPROBLEM 81 50.95
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