list of classical problems

3587    Prime Again PAGAIN 845 16.32
3591    Patting Heads PATHEADS 647 35.18
3605    Minimum Rotations MINMOVE 908 19.03
3638    Word Counting WORDCNT 2629 21.07
3639    Lucky Numbers LUCKYNUM 729 34.10
3640    Hanoi Subway System Construction HNSUBWAY 32 41.75
3642    Pretty Printing PRETTYP 39 24.38
3643    Traffic Network TRAFFICN 2098 18.27
3644    Winning Strategy WINSTRAT 35 38.33
3645    Farthest Headquarters HEADQRT 56 25.93
3646    Adventure Tourism ATOURISM 45 15.69
3647    Moebius MOEBIUS 1 2.56
3678    Cattle Bruisers CATTLEB 86 25.65
3679    Moo University - Emergency Pizza Order MOOPIZZA 34 25.91
3693    Maximum Sum KGSS 6459 42.19
3713    Primitive Root PROOT 596 30.48
3723    Snooker SNOOKER 446 50.05
3724    Rainbow Ride RAINBOW 484 35.97
3725    Taming a T-REX TREX 145 44.58
3732    Slikar SLIKAR 208 51.60
3733    Trezor TREZOR 100 52.41
3734    Periodni PERIODNI 563 36.38
3749    Subset Sums SUBSUMS 4060 26.35
3752    JEDNAKOST JEDNAKOS 595 18.40
3753    GONDOR GONDOR 380 53.04
3754    MAJMUN MAJMUN 72 44.29
3762    Bread Tree BRTREE 162 13.54
3763    George GEORGE 522 52.42
3791    Street STREET 662 51.56
3831    Lubenica LUBEN 199 42.06
3832    Kruska KRUS 104 45.79
3833    Tresnja TRES 126 52.36
3861    Laser Phones MLASERP 1362 28.65
3863    Area of circles VCIRCLES 304 29.64
3865    Reljef RELJEF 94 39.22
3866    Finding Palindromes VPALIN 246 19.43
3867    Who is The Boss VBOSS 166 24.85
3868    Total Flow MTOTALF 1383 36.21
3870    Military Story VMILI 282 28.76
3871    GCD Extreme GCDEX 2694 29.52
3872    Party At School VPARTY 49 23.80
3876    Tablica TABLIC 205 59.13
3877    Cvjetici CVJETICI 977 48.55
3878    Rectangles Perimeter MMAXPER 2690 49.81
3881    Majstor MAJSTOR 731 53.87
3882    Cijevi CIJEVI 258 37.67
3883    LATGACH3 M3TILE 3163 56.56
3884    When (You Believe) WHEN 23 8.98
3885    Coins Game MCOINS 5255 45.73
3889    Closest Number MCLONUM 192 30.08
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