list of tutorial problems

9173    Repetitions REPTTS 7 16.00
9188    Edit Distance Variant 1 EDITV1 12 41.03
9189    Edit Distance Variant 2 EDITV2 20 64.10
9333    Student Proxy AUCSE012 190 26.67
9339    Contains Prime AUCSE015 15 47.50
9361    The Circumference of the Circle CIRCCIRC 31 44.71
9362    Knight Moves KNIGHTMV 18 21.19
9438    Celebrity Split CELSP 6 15.00
9465    Spectrum of colours SPECTRUM 53 69.82
9500    Bit counts BITCNTR 1605 63.74
9501    Best balanced diet SETRR 8 21.28
9514    Parsing URL TETRSIGM 23 31.82
9533    Kindergarten Counting Game KINDJ 638 35.21
9536    Calculating very big numbers very quickly MODPOW 149 26.49
9573    Spot the largest string SPOTIT 14 19.75
9594    Count the strings NUMSTR 21 40.98
9595    Fast addition MEGAUSS 193 46.10
9598    Get me correct GETCORR 70 19.81
9639    Doing Nothing DONOTHIN 1269 45.57
9654    Prime Count PCOUNT 62 18.18
9737    Traversal(Easy) BST1 69 47.22
9739    Not Fibonacci please FIBOFAST 132 35.70
9754    Egypt SCPC11D 3263 48.01
9808    Topological Sorting TOPOSORT 5784 30.62
9815    Measuring the odds WPC4A 9 40.00
9819    Out of place WPC4E 137 64.52
9821    Gaming begins here WPC4G 95 62.15
10143    To nisu istine ZVONIMIR 1 1.09
10208    Overestimate OVFL 132 37.50
10209    Theory of Computation STRSPL 25 37.76
10211    The Collatz Sequence COLL 71 7.30
10212    Row Max Average MAVRG 23 15.79
10234    Here Be Dragons AMR11G 1684 50.04
10238    Arabic and English ACPC11A 717 42.48
10331    Sample KDBGTST1 39 10.55
10347    Roman Numerals ROMANN 133 47.24
10362    TRIVIADOR QWERTY04 97 40.00
10365    PICK UP DROP ESCAPE CODEIT02 386 28.09
10373    Help Balaji! ABA12A 1171 49.43
10379    Number Divisiblity IPLUS4 66 33.20
10559    PRIMES20 PRIMES20 38 54.24
10601    Spiral numbers SPRLNMS 83 51.90
10681    MAG BYTESA 34 63.08
10724    Sum of Tetranacci numbers (easy) TETRASUM 244 63.77
10817    Easy Factorization FACTCG 337 26.73
11031    Bank Robbers BANKROBB 146 45.45
11032    Maximum element of an array MAXINARR 303 43.64
11034    Count inversions in a small array COUNTINV 268 31.01
11040    UJ Test 1 UJTEST1 11 8.97
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