list of tutorial problems

14669    First Blood TECHLN2 47 34.57
14670    The Revelations TECHLN3 69 54.01
14671    Bombing Run TECHLN4 27 28.00
14672    Freedom! TECHLN5 121 52.31
14720    Check Of Potential JOKER2 20 61.54
14721    Knives Are Better JOKER3 16 37.50
14737    Hello Recursion HRECURS 1369 41.26
14739    Hard to solve HSOLVE 243 63.29
14740    Easy!!! REASY 46 51.89
14741    Truckloads TRUCKL 514 47.72
14743    Derivation Sequence DSEQ 56 50.38
14744    Beautiful Numbers BNUMBERS 495 57.39
14745    Reverse RREVERSE 418 44.72
14746    Fibonacci Easy FIBEASY 143 47.49
14749    Omar’s Training I IJGI 27 44.05
14752    FIZZBUZZ (Easy) FIZZBUZZ 102 58.24
14775    Sum of Powers SUMPOWK1 18 31.29
14776    Find Right Triangle FINDTRI 74 27.41
14816    Easy Wavy Routes TC000000 26 21.54
14817    Add and Multiply TCCCCCC1 44 23.94
14818    Team Queue TKTKTKKT 26 22.60
14854    Bribe the Prisoners(Easy) GCJ1C9CS 7 15.00
14867    PAIRS AU7_1 49 58.17
14868    SERVERS AU7_2 312 52.05
14869    THE BOARD AU7_3 18 62.07
14870    ALIENS AND COWS AU7_4 6 50.00
14872    HAIRY FLU AU7_6 6 20.00
14884    Equation 2 PEQ2 28 38.68
14908    Find The Number FTN1 54 53.42
14920    Minimum Step To One MST1 1541 23.92
14931    Make It Simple SIMPLE 198 23.63
14933    GEEK In The Army GEEK 46 51.91
14934    So Close! CLOSE 10 9.38
14945    Summation of Multiples (hard) SUM1HARD 8 13.92
14964    Tutorial for "Your Rank is Pure (EXTREME ver)" BUGTEST 10 47.52
14970    Rock Paper Scissors Fox UOFTAA 43 65.33
14976    The Super Mario Blues UOFTBA 37 75.93
14982    simple calculation KIMO2 52 28.53
15064    Bacteria(Easy) GCJ102CE 6 66.67
15065    World Cup 2010(Easy) GCJ102BE 6 62.50
15097    Changing formation OIA1002 9 60.00
15169    primes triangle (I) PTRI2 452 39.33
15170    primes triangle (II) PTR22 17 46.67
15223    BUBT Programming Club BUBTPC 10 22.58
15247    PETERHOUSE HOUSE1 31 50.00
15268    Big Fact BIGFACT 13 32.65
15298    Strong Number STRONGN 144 34.00
15299    Digit Dilemma DIGITD 85 43.78
15300    Nabid Loves Palindromic String PALINS 26 51.92
15301    Number Game NUMBERG 33 51.90
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