list of classical problems

8491    Messy Phone List PHONMESS 52 19.92
8495    Maximum Subset of Array MAXSUB 729 27.80
8496    No Squares Numbers NOSQ 835 34.91
8505    Nacci Fear NACCI 318 40.34
8507    Party Switching PSWITCH 244 28.84
8542    Modern Pocket Calculator POCALC2 35 9.15
8545    Subset sum MAIN72 1928 39.98
8546    Manoj and Pankaj MAIN73 51 23.05
8547    Euclids algorithm revisited MAIN74 1406 22.91
8549    BST again MAIN75 88 17.10
8550    Longest Square Factor LSQF 67 19.29
8551    Colours A, B, C, D ABCD 2159 21.21
8558    Linear Equation Solver LINQSOLV 15 28.38
8574    Four in a row FOUROW 22 19.05
8578    Reverse the Sequence REVSEQ 86 41.51
8583    Garden NPOWM 20 63.89
8591    Prime Permutations PRIMPERM 105 30.95
8593    Covering the Corral CORRAL 8 31.58
8594    Tails all the way TAILS 287 34.27
8596    Wood, Axe and Grass WAGE 513 57.55
8598    Traverse through the board TRAVERSE 647 54.31
8611    Non-Decreasing Digits NY10E 3719 54.80
8612    Penney Game NY10A 7663 67.55
8624    Nim-B Sum NY10B 619 61.11
8625    Just The Simple Fax NY10C 76 41.10
8626    Show Me The Fax NY10D 105 41.99
8627    I2C NY10F 32 25.79
8628    Selling Land NWERC10G 70 46.89
8629    Stock Prices NWERC10H 98 44.77
8651    Alien arithmetic ALIENS1 40 18.81
8657    The Bovine Accordion and Banjo Orchestra BAABO 6 25.00
8661    Bogosort CHEFFEB 42 14.33
8663    Squares Game CHEFMAR 34 48.75
8666    Maximum - Profit -- Version II ITRIX_C 92 43.40
8667    Board-Queries ITRIX_D 47 21.54
8670    THE MAX LINES MAXLN 8016 36.86
8720    Looks like Nim - but it is not GAME2 90 21.35
8725    Closest Point Pair CLOPPAIR 1908 20.31
8728    Hierarchy MAKETREE 1700 30.06
8732    Best Fit BFIT 192 30.48
8734    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory CHARLIE 40 17.65
8735    Suffix Of Cube CUBEND 94 42.08
8747    Substrings II NSUBSTR2 145 10.58
8750    Wordplay WORD 91 26.05
8756    Shake Shake Shaky MAIN8_C 2385 23.84
8757    Coing tossing MAIN8_D 160 61.56
8758    Cover the string MAIN8_E 220 23.32
8759    Alpine Skiing SKIING 52 38.85
8769    String distance STRDIST2 16 54.05
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