list of classical problems

16178     Change TPC07 59 10.13
15634     Lennys Lucky Lotto Lists GNYR04C 226 34.38
26843     Who is the Best? INS16F 4 28.57
34229    "Operation - Modulo" OPMODULO 797 18.81
4227    "Shortest" pair of paths MSE06I 209 40.21
4302    (K,N)-Knight AE2B 311 24.80
2140    (un)Fair Play FAIRONOT 74 38.68
41455    .... CAN_U_GO 11 17.58
3973    0 0 Pairs M00PAIR 805 27.34
1451    01 Sequence SEQ1 94 28.29
10676    0110SS IWGBS 1755 40.96
19971    100pct failure in 72 hours HAL9000 8 45.90
381    106 miles to Chicago CHICAGO 3156 36.55
9952    111…1 Squared GUANGGUN 1780 46.31
5725    123 Sequence KSEQ 120 23.56
24999    1807 SMILEY1807 521 38.50
9511    24-Puzzle PUZZLE24 23 23.14
27301    2D arrays with XOR property XORRAY 14 43.48
9721    2s Complement CODESPTA 173 31.83
21409    2x2 Subgrid Sum Problem (generalized) GRIDSUM3 6 42.11
21407    2x2 Subgrid Sum Problem (medium) GRIDSUM1 17 21.05
11180    369 Numbers NUMTSN 777 12.41
1448    3D Cover COVER2 91 26.87
1296    4 values whose sum is 0 SUMFOUR 5067 24.87
6690    A - Comparison Expressions BOCOMP 54 32.76
7555    A - Crazy Rows HAROWS 180 25.47
18467    A Brief Expedition UOFTCE 272 54.44
3377    A Bug’s Life BUGLIFE 15394 27.44
9636    A Canvas Building ACANVAS 66 19.12
1326    A Chase In WonderLand CHASE 405 13.49
11904    A Classic Myth - Flatland Superhero FLATAND 10 46.43
5271    A Coin Game XOINC 545 31.74
19551    A Colorful world CWORLD 87 31.64
35088    A Complex Cone ACC 50 20.98
376    A concrete simulation ACS 1720 34.35
4164    A conjecture of Paul Erdős HS08PAUL 2246 44.04
22675    A conjecture of Paul Erdős (hard) PAUL2 4 5.56
34863    A Cumulative Sum Problem OVICUMSUM 29 21.53
4559    A Day at the Races ANARC08J 122 17.08
4461    A Famous Airport Manager AIRLINE2 23 16.36
11578    A Famous City CITY2 777 30.88
11575    A Famous Equation EQ2 73 27.13
11580    A Famous Game PRLGAME2 382 34.08
11582    A Famous Grid SPIRALGR 186 16.62
11573    A Famous ICPC Team TEAM2 2033 37.63
11576    A Famous King’s Trip TRIP2 21 9.79
11574    A Famous Stone Collector STONE2 122 35.42
18466    A Frightening Evening UOFTCD 116 29.00
10460    A function over factors IOPC1204 97 32.63
1471    A Game of Pearls PRLGAME 39 30.00
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