list of classical problems

394    Alphacode ACODE 22319 27.29
8759    Alpine Skiing SKIING 52 38.85
5830    Alternating Permutations ALTPERM 57 38.46
27307    Alternating Sequences ALTSEQ 2095 32.45
17267    Alturas de NoMeAcuerdo ALTURAS 74 62.30
25471    AM FM TAP2015A 37 11.87
4188    Amazing equality HS08EQ 38 13.58
14138    Amazing Factor Sequence AFS 2331 37.11
33039    Amazing Factor Sequence (hard) AFS3 17 62.60
14168    Amazing Factor Sequence (medium) AFS2 201 28.99
11472    Amazing Maze DCEPC701 261 29.01
13753    Amazing Prime Sequence APS 3319 29.82
19975    Amazing Prime Sequence (hard) APS2 83 42.49
2171    Ambiguous Codes AMCODES 80 38.22
379    Ambiguous Permutations PERMUT2 12329 59.57
1673    Ambitious Manager AMBM 462 36.55
40667    Ambitious XOXO DEV_CP 36 48.84
10450    Amoeba AMOEBA 98 17.32
13096    Amr Samir PCPC12J 916 31.08
11354    Amusing numbers TSHOW1 3242 59.85
11932    Amz Rock AMZRCK 1762 61.93
11931    AMZ Word AMZSEQ 1698 64.69
26646    An easy Problem ADDAP 64 54.74
13768    An Experiment by Penny CRAN01 603 59.67
16243    Anagrams ANAGR 259 25.32
41890    Anagrams and Divisibility ANADIV 5 6.14
41834    Anagrams and GCD ANAGCD 10 9.17
15088    Ancient Aliens BFDIV 5 52.00
8478    Ancient Pocket Calculator POCALC1 7 4.44
36941    AND Queries ANDQQ 12 25.74
5832    AND Rounds ANDROUND 1693 24.82
1022    Angels and Devils ANGELS 668 31.09
32857    Angry Siam HRSIAM 56 34.01
18915    Anils Proposal ANIL_PRO 26 18.54
15312    Annoying Coins Quest VPL2_BE 30 42.32
14049    Annual Day VOLNTEER 88 19.50
684    Another Assignment Problem ASSIGN4 103 12.40
6042    Another Box Problem QCJ2 833 49.88
1991    Another Continuous Fractions Problem ACFRAC 82 19.89
738    Another Counting Problem TREE 225 40.41
6285    Another Game With Numbers NGM2 1236 30.52
6059    Another GCD problem GCDSQF 331 45.61
12958    Another Gift Problem VPL0_A 35 18.33
3466    Another Longest Common Subsequence Problem CS 6 42.86
2371    Another Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem LIS2 797 13.46
4212    Another Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem LIS2VN 11 48.15
4194    Another Lucky Numbers MSE08G 137 33.50
1671    Another Mathematical Problem AMATH 61 11.37
1715    Another Necklace Problem NCKLCE 50 19.00
2565    Another Permutation Problem PERMUT3 56 24.15
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