list of classical problems

2070    Minimum Distance MINDIST 81 16.84
12323    Minimum Knight moves !!! NAKANJ 8075 42.27
16034    Minimum Number MINNUM 491 16.05
3933    Minimum Permutation MMINPER 183 38.20
3605    Minimum Rotations MINMOVE 908 19.03
34875    Minimum Stocks MINSTOCK 641 25.61
36644    Minimum string moves ILD18MSM 0 0.00
27217    Minimum Sum SQRMINSUM 186 41.12
19686    Mining Camps MCAMP 79 10.86
16185    Mining your own business BUSINESS 572 20.04
20563    Minion Circle MCIRCLE 19 32.97
32469    Minions v/s Minions MINVSMIN 63 55.17
2005    Minus Operation MINUS 304 33.25
10649    Mirror Number MYQ10 176 21.51
12262    Mirror Strings !!! MSUBSTR 917 33.34
22274    Missing Side CIRCIRC 87 17.74
8064    Mixing Chemicals AMR10J 159 22.72
345    Mixtures MIXTURES 8892 36.34
12916    MMM DCEPCA09 86 18.00
987    Mobile MOBILE 70 15.53
22379    Mobile Company 2 SELLPHN2 69 29.85
703    Mobile Service SERVICE 994 22.27
5638    Mobile Service Hard SERVICEH 82 22.57
1552    Mobiles MOBILE2 184 27.52
4485    MobiZone vs VinaGone MOBIVINA 322 33.31
2529    Model Rocket Height GNY07G 80 54.27
16776    Modems EC_MODE 207 30.27
8542    Modern Pocket Calculator POCALC2 35 9.15
16121    MODIFY SEQUENCE NITK06 2360 48.39
13419    Modular Fibonacci Period PISANO 83 25.22
19722    Modular Tetration MTETRA 38 69.72
37387    Modulo Sequence MODSEQ 56 14.59
3647    Moebius MOEBIUS 1 2.56
23976    Mohib and series MOHIB 1763 47.05
21969    Money Transfers SWERC14H 4 23.81
10596    Monkey and apples MON2012 162 17.41
24247    Monkey King MONKK 115 21.04
2528    Monkey Vines GNY07F 775 43.31
10621    MONO MONO 22 16.44
200    Monodigital Representations MONODIG 165 29.96
5196    Monotonous numbers MONONUM 610 47.83
3382    Monster Trap MONSTER 27 22.44
3679    Moo University - Emergency Pizza Order MOOPIZZA 35 26.96
35631    Moon Safari (Extreme) MOON4 9 25.00
19997    Moon Safari (Hard) MOON2 46 55.15
19996    Moon Safari (medium) MOON1 74 37.83
12209    Morenas Candy Shop ( Easy ) MORENA 257 33.31
4069    Morphing is Fun MORPH 29 20.69
13093    Mosque PCPC12G 46 37.74
9055    Most Frequent Value FREQ2 748 23.39
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