list of classical problems

21092    DRAW TABLE FRMT 44 54.07
25889    Drawing Lines DRWLNS 31 20.16
36530    Drawing Polygrams VZLA2019D 51 29.78
7409    Drawing Quadrilaterals DRAWQUAD 51 12.12
28458    Drawing triangles TAP2016D 25 9.98
11885    Drawing Triangles with Brainf##k BFTRI 46 50.79
4305    Drilling AE3A 100 17.99
1801    Drink, on Ice DRINK 519 43.04
10683    DRIVE BYTESB 1 2.50
3465    Drive through MegaCity DRIVE 23 25.16
7627    Driving Direction NE06D 10 43.75
2174    Drop the Triples DTT 116 29.73
18183    Drunk Game DRUNK 38 45.90
10648    DUGDUG DUGDUG 48 25.63
18917    Dukkar and Pikka DUKKAR 300 56.01
660    Dungeon of Death QUEST4 1343 42.83
18184    Durins Day DURIN 38 55.68
9515    Dwarven SniperĀ“s Hunting HUNT1 10 56.00
12749    Dynamic Assignment Problem DAP 12 56.63
9543    Dynamic Congruence Equation System DCES 10 68.97
9576    Dynamic Graph Connectivity DYNACON2 300 37.49
8791    Dynamic LCA DYNALCA 453 28.80
9577    Dynamic Tree Connectivity DYNACON1 579 27.98
14943    Dynamically-Rooted Tree DRTREE 321 31.00
13044    Dyslexic Gollum AMR12E 122 29.11
56    Dyzio DYZIO 1213 31.45
7559    E - Football Team HATEAM 9 19.70
6695    E - Publish of Perish BOPERISH 708 39.82
11564    E 23 Stairs pattern PUCMM215 137 39.39
24191    Eagle and Dogs EAGLE1 571 17.80
1701    Earth Observation with a Mobile Robot Team EOWAMRT 9 37.04
35278    Earth Sled Tour CNURI18H 24 30.09
3641    Earthquakes EARTHQK 23 37.68
20038    Easiest Loop 1 SNGLOOP1 370 48.42
10712    Easy Calculation TRIGALGE 1367 35.78
23963    Easy Factorials EASYFACT 112 16.67
30396    Easy GCD GCDEASY 88 30.45
13388    Easy Jug MAY99_3 2147 41.99
6665    Easy Longest Common Substring ELCS 145 22.89
11391    EASY MATH EASYMATH 1363 20.04
34910    Easy Math PRADIPSUM 613 18.23
16240    Easy Password DCEPC11E 41 5.09
82    Easy Problem EASYPIE 494 34.77
13007    Easy Programming Tutorials EPTT 278 30.41
11777    Easy Sequence! SEQAGAIN 153 25.64
17626    Eat all the brownies ! CUTCAKE 1587 43.19
31279    Eat Pray Love AGPC01G 124 62.70
2946    Eclipse ECLIPSE 24 10.90
25785    Ecstasy NECSTASY 66 31.95
1802    Edge EDGE 417 59.70
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