list of classical problems

17397    End of Fun DCEPC12E 354 27.40
16639    Endless Knight IE4 39 23.36
10587    Enemies ENEM 35 34.07
22002    English STRANG 17 17.09
15769    Enjoy Adding GP to Series ADDGP 60 26.50
15766    Enjoy Sum with Operations SUMSUM 361 27.34
10466    Enough of analyzing, let’s play EALP1 250 44.98
1877    Enrich my purse EPURSE 152 27.14
18168    Entangled Circles TWOCIR 18 22.33
8845    Entertainment TENNIS 48 37.43
13050    Entmoot AMR12C 78 28.96
964    Entrapment EN 336 23.84
8334    Enumeration of rationals ENUMRTNL 86 17.18
7693    Environmental Engineering ENVIRON 11 23.95
36860    Epidemic Control IBONEC 29 54.95
15847    Equalize the Sectors SECTORS 155 60.25
1434    Equation KPEQU 415 33.18
414    Equatorial Bonfire BONFIRE 71 30.48
1000    Equidivisions EQDIV 644 23.37
9640    Equilibrium EQUI 249 28.16
35    Equipment Box EQBOX 1310 14.56
23153    Equivalent Passwords EQUIPASS 72 36.19
21172    Erdos et al TAP2014E 138 36.60
7737    Escape BOI7ESC 54 33.70
7188    Escape from Jail ESJAIL 618 30.90
7422    Escape from Jail Again ESCJAILA 436 42.16
13048    Escape from the Mines AMR12J 67 24.08
40639    Escape the New America RDR2_1 29 29.88
16279    Escaping from escaping TAP2013E 168 29.24
6562    Esferas PRUBALL 621 61.06
11375    Espionage RPLE 1514 42.28
25962    Essay ESSY 67 32.19
16809    Estimation EST 134 8.55
8547    Euclids algorithm revisited MAIN74 1406 22.91
34945    Euler Puzzle CIRCLEDIV 133 39.80
4141    Euler Totient Function ETF 11615 38.60
22382    Euler Totient Function Depth ETFD 381 36.59
22268    Euler Totient Function Sieve ETFS 377 18.94
383    European railroad tracks EUROPEAN 222 30.17
35301    Evaluate Escape Character ESCAPE1 18 42.98
1744    Evaluate the polynomial POLEVAL 2634 48.71
13367    EVEN COUNT GEEKOUNT 347 22.99
27493    Even Frequency EVENFRQ 70 29.55
16420    Even Numbers EC_CONB 5247 48.08
3898    Even Palindrome PALDR 247 10.24
34380    Even Semiprime Runs EVENSEMIP 22 63.74
14334    Evil Overlord Cypher DIXIE001 62 26.01
2660    Example EXAMPLE 12 21.43
1726    Exchange EXCHANGE 18 6.52
336    Exchange Operations EOPERA 85 19.74
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