list of classical problems

16018    Edge Detection MCU20E 11 45.83
6219    Edit distance EDIST 13124 33.18
7103    Edit Distance EDDIST 71 18.97
10537    Edit Distance Again EDIT 2536 42.10
75    Editor EDIT1 51 36.88
1464    Editor II EDIT3 58 18.59
76    Editor Inverse EDIT2 64 14.98
25339    Eefun and Doors NPC2015F 6 20.75
25334    Eefun Guessing Words NPC2015A 348 22.97
25337    Eefun is not so Fun NPC2015D 155 29.47
25336    Eefun Plays Doto NPC2015C 4 31.03
25338    Eefun Plays LOL NPC2015E 52 11.57
25335    Eefun the Accountant NPC2015B 7 14.69
28461    Efficient managing TAP2016G 46 27.86
9857    Eight Directions Crossword EIGHT 134 15.09
4555    Einbahnstrasse ANARC08F 486 26.60
11814    Eko EKO 15455 26.58
7211    Elastic Bands ELASTIC 45 55.72
138    Election Posters POSTERS 2277 25.65
21636    Electric Car Rally CARRALLY 14 45.65
4587    Electric Fences FENCE3 128 31.89
7762    Electric Needs MELAR10 23 41.30
7680    Electrical Engineering ELEC 16 34.64
3409    Electricity SAMER08E 806 47.74
3253    Electronic Document Security EDS 149 60.78
5466    Electronic queue EQ 156 36.89
3002    Electrophoretic ELECTRO 12 26.00
15060    Elegant Diamond GCJ102A 15 56.25
25178    Elegant Permuted Sum ELPESUM 136 35.32
3962    ELEVATOR II MELE2 99 42.96
9655    Elevator Trouble ELEVTRBL 4201 32.28
9939    Eliminate the Conflict EC 48 40.53
2417    Eliminate The Enemies ENEMY 22 26.79
3486    Elimination ELIM 67 28.48
4142    Ellipse ELLIPSE 17 8.46
11105    Email ID MAIN12C 74 22.92
12368    Emma s Domino TAP2012E 92 32.47
2944    Emmons SHOOTING 7 8.28
27381    Emoticon BLKEK 814 50.17
2175    Emoticons EMOTICON 328 21.95
36531    Empanadas VZLA2019E 75 53.69
367    Empodia EMPODIA 160 27.56
4343    Empty Boxes EBOXES 3559 66.11
199    Empty Cuboids EMPTY 142 34.74
18273    Encode Integer SNGINT 795 25.18
18598    Encode Message SNGMSG 866 63.49
16956    Encoded Coordinates ENCODE 18 32.39
2525    Encoding GNY07C 745 29.02
7696    Encryption CENCRY 978 36.02
21178    Encryption kit TAP2014K 49 31.15
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