list of classical problems

2670    Count Minimum Spanning Trees MSTS 180 17.18
12964    Count on a treap COT5 9 50.00
10628    Count on a tree COT 2413 17.07
10707    Count on a tree II COT2 3055 19.06
11482    Count on a trie COT4 60 23.63
302    Count on Cantor CANTON 13010 61.30
35140    Count Pairs ILD18ACP 59 24.89
10463    COUNT PAREN PAREN 193 61.04
16062    Count Primes SNGCP 43 24.08
15556    Count right angle triangles IITKWPCC 46 24.49
10354    Count Strings CTSTRING 17 7.98
27268    Count Subsets VECTAR5 213 44.96
20673    Count The Indexes CNTINDX 242 29.20
21414    Count The Indexes 2 CNTINDX2 41 18.11
11813    Count weighted paths CNTPATHS 16 51.52
1704    Countdown CDOWN 298 25.14
6805    Counter attack CATTACK 175 60.72
26799    Counter-Smack COU 56 19.96
12943    Counting RIOI_3_2 79 47.71
4407    Counting Arborescence DAGCNT 100 34.02
9570    Counting binary strings STRCOUNT 338 53.04
34009    Counting Child CTTC 416 54.85
9547    Counting d-pairs DPAIR 135 30.67
6500    Counting Diameter DCOUNT 36 40.78
11676    Counting diff-pairs CPAIR2 184 22.60
3928    Counting Digits MDIGITS 1162 44.89
26073    Counting Divisors DIVCNT1 121 24.86
20174    Counting Divisors (cube) DIVCNT3 359 34.78
34096    Counting Divisors (general) DIVCNTK 324 35.08
20173    Counting Divisors (square) DIVCNT2 434 21.70
4411    Counting Expressions EXPR3 29 42.47
4478    Counting Expressions II EXPR4 14 35.29
10605    Counting Formations FORMAT1 14 56.41
4420    Counting Graphs KPGRAPHS 58 34.93
15429    Counting Ids UCV2013A 1925 49.88
4882    Counting in a DAG DAGCNT2 170 11.96
861    Counting inversions SWAPS 462 20.04
4329    Counting K-Rectangle KRECT 387 30.01
13444    Counting Lucky Numbers CNT_LUCK 171 30.10
28599    Counting Magical Permutatitons BDOI16C 57 27.85
5542    Counting pairs CPAIR 131 26.46
20872    Counting Pairwise Coprime Triples PCOPTRIP 47 53.73
7186    Counting Pascal COUNTPAS 125 29.11
13015    Counting Primes CNTPRIME 1377 22.04
19913    Counting Pythagorean Triples PYTRIP3 16 14.23
2450    Counting Rabbits RABBIT1 1216 34.01
2150    Counting Subsequences SUBSEQ 1025 29.52
8335    Counting the teams CNTTEAMS 23 45.61
4038    Counting The Way of Bracket Replacement MREPLBRC 437 38.79
1724    Counting Triangles TRICOUNT 13086 34.04
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